MANA's Call For Short Stories and Poetry For National Hispanic Heritage Month!

In recognition of National Hispanic Heritage Month, MANA wants to shine the spotlight on poetry, short stories, and prose written by Hispanic and Latinx Americans. 

Each year from September 15 to October 15, National Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates Hispanic and Latino history and culture. 

MANA also participates in this celebration by showcasing written works:

• On this blog, THE MANA SUNRISER
• In MANA's newsletter, The MANA HARVESTER
• On MANA's website:

MANA lives its motto—“MANA, More Than Just A Self-Publishing Company." and encourages individuals who enjoy writing by allowing them to submit their work at no cost. 

The following are the submission requirements: 

1) no more than 500 words per submission 

2) submit as a Word file 

3) the work should highlight the theme of the celebrated month 

4) Send all submitted files to: or

All writers maintain full ownership of every submission. Writers are not restricted from submitting their work to other publications. 

The MANA Review Board will read and review all submissions. So, submit your work EARLY to give the Review Board plenty of time to read, referee, and give determination regarding publication to the author.

Besides National Hispanic Heritage Month, MANA is also calling for short stories and poetry for the following months: 

• November—Native American Heritage Month

• February —Black History Month

• May—Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2024.

• June—LGBTQ+/Pride Month

The MANA Review Board will determine the best submission during each month, and the individual will receive a $100 prize from MANA!

Remember, there is no cost to submit your work. So, email your short story or poetry today for National Hispanic Heritage Month to or

Questions? Contact MANA at or

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