A MANA Moment Editorial: How I Show My Love To Others

Dr. Fairy Hayes-Scott
Robbie Dean Press

Recently, I heard a speaker ruminate on the importance of love. It should be something so special it should demonstrate actions that will help or bring good into the lives of others. This is what I was taught as a little girl.

Now, as a good and grown woman, I have tried to live the mantra: Treat others as you wish others to treat you. And love others as you love yourself.

Thus, as a professor and as owner of MANA, I have tried to show my students that I loved them by my intense expectations of their best and the excellence I expected of myself. 

As an owner of two publishing companies, I have tried to provide encouragement, critique, and guidance in a loving way. And even though MANA and Robbie Dean Press are not the largest of companies, I felt I should show my love for my fellow man and woman by donating to different organizations that serve people.

So, monies that clients pay MANA and/or Robbie Dean Press, a percentage goes to the following organizations and/or institutions:

  • Ann Arbor Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Book Scholarship for Black Non-Traditional Women Students)
  • Capuchin Soup Kitchen
  • Covenant House
  • Forgotten Harvest
  • Mott Community College (Scholarship for Black Men students)
  • St. Jude Children's Hospital
  • Wounded Warrior Project

So, if you as an author or small business have limited funds to donate, you can know that your payments to Robbie Dean Press or MANA are a way you can show your love for others.

Sunrises and Sunsets,


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