The Story Behind Robbie Dean Press and MarketingNewAuthors.Com by Dr. Fairy Hayes-Scott

Dr. Fairy Hayes-Scott, 
Owner, Robbie Dean Press
As a student in grade school and high school, the textbooks I used showed no acknowledgment that Black people or any minority peoplexisted in the United States. 

Now, my favorite subject was English, especially literature. No diversity in the short stories. No indication at all of any minorities was in the English textbooks. When I entered college, there was no difference.

So, when I began teaching in college, I wanted to make a change. Well, to make a change, one must be a key influence of the company that publishes textbooks. And so, that was what occurred in 1991. 

I taught English literature and composition in college and had difficulty finding a textbook that I could use with my Deaf students. Either the material was too immature for my adult students or the material used language that was too complex. So, I would develop my own materials for my students; I would use the mimeograph machines (yes, this was really long ago). 

After developing different materials to accommodate my deaf students' college composition and general English skills, my students suggested that I write my own book. Great idea, I thought. So, I followed their suggestion and wrote a very basic work titled, Essential Writing Skills for Deaf StudentsBut who would publish it? To make a long story short, with the encouragement, help, and support of my spouse and friends, I started a traditional textbook company, Robbie Dean Press (RDP), and published my own book. 

Entering the World of Book Publishing 

Although my first publication was for my deaf college students, I still found myself in a quandary regarding the basic English textbooks for all students. The English text I used was of quality; however, I needed more in it. Thus, again, I returned to providing supplementary material. My hearing students suggested that, instead of providing so many handouts, I just should write my own book. I did. And, now, the work is in its 19th edition—Bare Essentials: A Handbook for Beginner Writers

My intent was not just to provide textbooks to meet the needs of my students but, also, to reflect that the world had a diverse population. Over time, other writers contacted Robbie Dean Press and I began to publish textbooks for them

Then, there were those who wanted my company’s services but not for textbooks. They wanted marketing services. And they were willing to pay for the publishing and marketing services. Ah! I thought. I need to begin a self-publishing company. So, in 2002, (MANA) was born in the self-publishing world. 

MANA became a company that provided publishing services, such as printing, editing, ghostwriting, web design, cover design, marketing, and distribution.

When MANA began, it was not common for manuscripts published by a self-publishing company to be reviewed. However, it was very important to me that manuscripts receive a thorough review prior to publishing. So, I decided that any work published by MANA or Robbie Dean Press had to pass the rigor of a review board. 

Then, I wanted MANA to give writers opportunities to have their works exposed in different ways. The MANA website has done just that. It has contained not just works published and paid for but, also, writers' poetry and short stories at no cost to the authors. Many of the works are found on MANA's blog, THE MANA SUNRISER.

Publishing Companies Making Financial Impacts

Finally, I wanted to give to others. And so, both of my companies have been committed to contributing financial support to different charities that have helped people with disaster relief, veterans' organizations, children's hospitals, and Spartan Strong, which supports the survivors of the shootings on the campus of Michigan State University.

I share my story to encourage others to share their stories—whether in book form, art form, short stories, poems, or articles—with the world. 

So, if you are a faculty member interested in publishing a textbook with a traditional publishing company or if you are a writer wanting to self-publish your work, contact me, Dr. Fairy-Hayes Scott at 

Go HERE to visit MANA's website. Go HERE for more information on Robbie Dean Press. 

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