One topic youngsters often focus on is angels. "Who are they?" "Are they always with us now?" At times, children will say they actually have seen angels and talked to them.
If your child or grandchild is captivated by angels, then you may enjoy, Soar with the Angels: A Children's Book, by Cecilia R. Telles.
Along with beautiful illustrations, Telles uses questions and answers to delve into the subject of angels in a way that children would understand. For example, one question Telles poses is, "What do angels look like?" Telles answers, in part:
There is not one thing on this earth that could possibly give you an idea of what an angel's radiant and glorious spirit could be like. God created these spirits, and therefore, they are like mirrors that reflect God's awesome love, God's heavenly beauty, God's holiness, and God's power.
Telles also writes:
Angels are pure spirits. They have no bodies. Sometimes, God allows them to be seen, and they come to earth to help you. God will allow them to turn into any form in order to help you.
Another question the book answers is: "Are angels smart?" Telles writes:
An angel's intelligence is much greater than ours. Since angels are so close to God, they are filled with His divine light, His knowledge, and His wisdom. With a single look, angels can clearly understand everything.
Telles describes angels as highly intelligent beings which is much greater than human intelligence. And, the reason why they are more intelligent is because of what God placed inside of them. Telles writes:
Saint Thomas Aquinas tells us that angels gained all of their knowledge the minute God created them. This knowledge and super intelligence came from a supernatural light. God placed this light in them, and it continues to fill their intelligence.
Listen to an excerpt from the book:
Adults will also enjoy this charming book on celestial beings and insightful answers that should satisfy young minds. For more information or to preview Soar with the Angels: A Children's Book on MANA's website, click HERE.
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