MANA Celebrates Seniors With A Special Publishing Offer in September!

You're never too old to publish your first (or second or third) book!

Della Frye self-published her first book, Della's Writings, A Senior Citizen's Poetry and Short Stories, with (MANA).

Martha Freudigman was 81 years old when she self-published her autobiography and her first murder mystery, Through The Storms with MANA. 

Both authors began their journey of becoming published when they were over 60, just like Delia Owens, who was a 70-year-old zoologist when she published, Where the Crawdads Sing (from which a movie of the same name was adapted in 2022), and Laura Ingalls Wilder was 65 years old when her now-classic book, Little House in the Big Woods, was published (from which a popular television series was based). 

Just like authors of any age, there are no guarantees that a book will be a bestseller. But writing the manuscript and getting published is most important. And, MANA has helped other seniors to become published authors. 

September is a month dedicated to seniors (65 years old and over) and MANA has a plan specifically for those in this age group who want to become a published author.

MANA's publishing plan includes:


*Color covers

*Document layout


*E-commerce (acceptance of Amex, Discover, Mastercard & VISA)

*Webpage on MANA's website

What's the cost for the total services? $1,800.

A downpayment of $600 can get your project started. 

For more information, contact MANA: or 734-975-0028.

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