A MANA Moment Editorial—On Becoming A Teacher And A Publisher

Dr. Fairy Hayes-Scott
Robbie Dean Press

When I was a youngster, my 2nd grade teacher, Sister Mary Christine, said to me, "You are born to be a teacher." She made this statement because even at that early age she saw how I was willing to help classmates with a lesson. When I became older, I would serve as a "substitute teacher" when a nun could not be in class. (Yes, this was considered illegal or beyond liability at that time—smile).

After playing teacher with my imaginary students in my home's basement, finally, I grew up and became a teacher. At first, I taught 7th, 8th, and 9th graders for two years at a private school. Then, I was employed at a community college where I taught for 45 years. My love, enthusiasm, and just plain ol' joy every time I walked into a classroom never waned. Yes, there were challenging times, but none ever made me regret my choice to become a mentor and educator.

My becoming a publisher while I was teaching was because of my students. Being a publisher and teacher during 29 of those 45 years has been most rewarding. I found I even taught as I was a publisher as I guided authors through the process of honing their skills as a writer. And,  I have been able to use my skills as a publisher to showcase the writing skills of my students.

So, as this fall season begins, I encourage and invite you as educators and/or potential authors to encourage others to write, to share their works with others, or to bring joy and experience a sense of accomplishment.

And in any way I can share the blessing I have lived to be "born to be a teacher," I am open to sharing this gift with anyone who wishes to become a writer and eventually a published author.

Sunrises and Sunsets,


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