MANA's Marketing Football Special For Authors!

Have you recently published a book? If so, are you looking for ways to market your book? 

If so, (MANA) can help you. In celebration of football season, MANA presents its Marketing Football Special for authors. 

MANA is headquartered in Ann Arbor, the home of the University of Michigan (U-M) Wolverines (“Hail to the Victors!”). But we’re also fans of the Michigan State University (MSU) Spartans and the Detroit Lions, the 2023 NFC North Division Champs!

Now, you do not have to be a football fan to take advantage of this special two-part, football-theme offer: 

First, for one (1) year, your book will be marketed with the following services: 

*Publicity on THE MANA HARVESTER (6 times within the year) 

*Interview on THE MANA SUNRISER (MANA’s blog)

*Interview on a digital station 

*Posting on Facebook 

*Posting on Instagram

*Posting on Pinterest

*Webpage on MANA's website

*E-commerce and distribution services, 70% royalty to author 

*Your book will be displayed at a book presentation in October in Grand Rapids, MI

The cost is $49.95. However, the first four (4) authors who take advantage of this offer (MANA will notify the first four authors) will receive a 75% reimbursement of the cost IF at the end of the football season:

• The Detroit Lions win the Super Bowl on February 9, 2025, or;

• The Michigan Wolverines or the MSU Spartans win the NCAA Football National Championship on January 20, 2025.

All other customers who take advantage of this marketing football special will receive 25% of what they have paid. 

Are you ready to purchase? Then go HERE to visit MANA’s website. 

If you have questions, contact MANA at or 734-975-0028. 

MANA's Call For Short Stories and Poetry For National Hispanic Heritage Month!

In recognition of National Hispanic Heritage Month, MANA wants to shine the spotlight on poetry, short stories, and prose written by Hispanic and Latinx Americans. 

Each year from September 15 to October 15, National Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates Hispanic and Latino history and culture. 

MANA also participates in this celebration by showcasing written works:

• On this blog, THE MANA SUNRISER
• In MANA's newsletter, The MANA HARVESTER
• On MANA's website:

MANA lives its motto—“MANA, More Than Just A Self-Publishing Company." and encourages individuals who enjoy writing by allowing them to submit their work at no cost. 

The following are the submission requirements: 

A MANA Moment Editorial: Exercise Your Right To Vote

Dr. Fairy Hayes-Scott
Robbie Dean Press

When I was a little girl, I would go with my Mom to the voting polls. Even though my Dad worked two and three jobs, he made it his top priority to make time to vote. 

As a matter of fact, my whole family felt it was crucial that they vote. Keep in mind the flexibility for people with tight work schedules to vote was not as open as it is now. Regardless of schedules, I knew that voting was very important.

One of those days when I was little, I asked why voting was necessary. I asked my mom why was it so important. "Pumpkin, you know that your family is from Mississippi and Alabama."

"Yes, I know that."

"Well, when your Mommy and Daddy and your uncles and aunts grew up there, it was very difficult for Black folks to vote. As a matter of fact, some Black folks lost their lives. Even your Aunt F____ and Uncle N______ and your cousins had to move to California in fear for their lives."

Then, as I became older, I started paying attention to the national news. There were Andrew Goodman, James Cheney, and Michael Schwerner. These young Civil Rights workers lost their lives in 1964 because they were trying to register Black people in Mississippi to vote.

A MANA Moment Editorial: How I Show My Love To Others

Dr. Fairy Hayes-Scott
Robbie Dean Press

Recently, I heard a speaker ruminate on the importance of love. It should be something so special it should demonstrate actions that will help or bring good into the lives of others. This is what I was taught as a little girl.

Now, as a good and grown woman, I have tried to live the mantra: Treat others as you wish others to treat you. And love others as you love yourself.

Thus, as a professor and as owner of MANA, I have tried to show my students that I loved them by my intense expectations of their best and the excellence I expected of myself. 

As an owner of two publishing companies, I have tried to provide encouragement, critique, and guidance in a loving way. And even though MANA and Robbie Dean Press are not the largest of companies, I felt I should show my love for my fellow man and woman by donating to different organizations that serve people.

So, monies that clients pay MANA and/or Robbie Dean Press, a percentage goes to the following organizations and/or institutions:

  • Ann Arbor Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Book Scholarship for Black Non-Traditional Women Students)
  • Capuchin Soup Kitchen
  • Covenant House
  • Forgotten Harvest
  • Mott Community College (Scholarship for Black Men students)
  • St. Jude Children's Hospital
  • Wounded Warrior Project

So, if you as an author or small business have limited funds to donate, you can know that your payments to Robbie Dean Press or MANA are a way you can show your love for others.

Sunrises and Sunsets,


Kick Off The Football Season With MANA's Fall Football Publishing Special

If there's one thing that we at (MANA) enjoy besides helping writers self-publish their books, it's Fall football season. 

MANA is headquartered in Ann Arbor, the home of the University of Michigan (U-M) Wolverines (“Hail to the Victors!”). But we’re also fans of the Michigan State University (MSU) Spartans and the Detroit Lions, the 2023 NFC North Division Champs!

So, to celebrate the season—and ultimately, the teams’ championships (hopefully)—MANA is offering the MANA Reimbursement Fall Football Special

This offer will apply to the first four authors (MANA will notify the first four) who take advantage of any of MANA’s self-publishing plans from Sept. 5, 2024, to Oct. 5, 2024. 

The first four authors will receive:

MANA Celebrates Seniors With A Special Publishing Offer in September!

You're never too old to publish your first (or second or third) book!

Della Frye self-published her first book, Della's Writings, A Senior Citizen's Poetry and Short Stories, with (MANA).

Martha Freudigman was 81 years old when she self-published her autobiography and her first murder mystery, Through The Storms with MANA. 

Both authors began their journey of becoming published when they were over 60, just like Delia Owens, who was a 70-year-old zoologist when she published, Where the Crawdads Sing (from which a movie of the same name was adapted in 2022), and Laura Ingalls Wilder was 65 years old when her now-classic book, Little House in the Big Woods, was published (from which a popular television series was based). 

Just like authors of any age, there are no guarantees that a book will be a bestseller. But writing the manuscript and getting published is most important. And, MANA has helped other seniors to become published authors. 

September is a month dedicated to seniors (65 years old and over) and MANA has a plan specifically for those in this age group who want to become a published author.

MANA's publishing plan includes:

Spice Up Your Social Media Strategy: Captivate Your Audience with Fresh Tactics

By Isaac Moore
Content Crew

Image by Freepik

In the digital era, social media serves as the battleground for attention. Businesses, influencers, and casual users alike strive to carve out their niche and captivate audiences. The quest for engagement and visibility is relentless, but with strategic creativity, you can make your posts stand out. 

Here’s how you can infuse your social media presence with novelty and intrigue, ensuring every share, like, or comment enhances your digital footprint.

Ignite Engagement with Exciting Giveaways

One of the most effective ways to engage your followers is through organizing giveaways or contests. This approach not only excites your existing followers but also attracts new ones. Imagine launching a themed contest that encourages users to submit their own content in exchange for a prize. This not only increases interaction but also creates a sense of community among participants. The key is to keep the contests relevant to your brand while making the rewards compelling and desirable.

A MANA Moment Editorial—On Becoming A Teacher And A Publisher

Dr. Fairy Hayes-Scott
Robbie Dean Press

When I was a youngster, my 2nd grade teacher, Sister Mary Christine, said to me, "You are born to be a teacher." She made this statement because even at that early age she saw how I was willing to help classmates with a lesson. When I became older, I would serve as a "substitute teacher" when a nun could not be in class. (Yes, this was considered illegal or beyond liability at that time—smile).

After playing teacher with my imaginary students in my home's basement, finally, I grew up and became a teacher. At first, I taught 7th, 8th, and 9th graders for two years at a private school. Then, I was employed at a community college where I taught for 45 years. My love, enthusiasm, and just plain ol' joy every time I walked into a classroom never waned. Yes, there were challenging times, but none ever made me regret my choice to become a mentor and educator.

My becoming a publisher while I was teaching was because of my students. Being a publisher and teacher during 29 of those 45 years has been most rewarding. I found I even taught as I was a publisher as I guided authors through the process of honing their skills as a writer. And,  I have been able to use my skills as a publisher to showcase the writing skills of my students.

So, as this fall season begins, I encourage and invite you as educators and/or potential authors to encourage others to write, to share their works with others, or to bring joy and experience a sense of accomplishment.

And in any way I can share the blessing I have lived to be "born to be a teacher," I am open to sharing this gift with anyone who wishes to become a writer and eventually a published author.

Sunrises and Sunsets,


Publish Your E-Book With MANA's Independent Digital Publishing Plan

Do you want to publish a book but have limited funds? Then, (MANA) has just the self-publishing plan for you.

You can publish your poetry, short story writers, or novel with MANA's Independent Digital Publishing Plan.

The plan includes:


*Color Covers

*Document layout

*E-Commerce (acceptance of Amex, Discover, Mastercard, & VISA

*Webpage on MANA's website

What is the cost? $750

Rather than paying a great deal of money for printed books with no guarantee of sales, start with an e-book to see how well it sells.

All it t
akes is a $375 down payment to start the plan. After approving the final galley and submitting the final payment, you will receive the e-file (e-book). You can either choose to keep the file or allow MANA to keep the file and post it on its site for sales. If you allow MANA to keep the file, you will receive 70 percent of all sales garnered through MANA's website.

So, take the next step to getting published by going HERE to MANA's website for more information.

If you have questions, contact MANA at or call 734-975-0028.