March is Women's History Month, a time to recognize the contributions women have made throughout history. (MANA)—a woman-owned business—is also celebrating this annual observance by highlighting the works of its women authors and other women writers.

Women’s History Month, established by the National Women’s History Alliance in 1981, spotlights women's contributions throughout history, identifies challenges they still face, and encourages future generations to continue fighting for gender equality.

According to Gerda Lerner, a pioneering historian, author, and activist, “Women’s history is women’s right—an essential, indispensable heritage from which we can draw pride, comfort, courage, and long-range vision.”

This year’s theme, “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations,” recognizes the contributions women have made to the American educational system, the free marketplace of ideas, and the very fabric of our democracy.


There are several books written about love relationships by authors who have been divorced three and five times. You do not have to be married several times to be an expert on love relationships. And an author having been married one time is not necessarily an expert on love relationships. Nor can I, married for forty-four years, consider myself an expert. However, I do have something to share.

For well over fifty years, I have written in my diary. I began at age thirteen. Now, my diary is in volumes. I wanted my diary entries to be a way my children and grandchildren would know me when I leave this earth. 

My entries cover all facets of my life: professional, political, romantic, and more. My plan is to publish a book entitled, Are There Black Angels in Heaven? based on these entries and more—one side will provide the diary entry, and the other side will provide my perspective now as one who has more experience and perspective.

So, for’s blog, the MANA Sunriser, I provide entries that share and reflect on my experiences with romance. When I read my entries, I recognize how young I was and how much I wish I knew what I know now. I smile and let a tear fall, but boy, I am glad I have lived to share these entries with our readers.

So, I invite you to go HERE to read A Black Love Story: A Senior's Perspective. I invite you to leave your comments in the box below the story. Thank you!



Let me make this one thing clear. If you are looking for a work that graphically or non-graphically gives details about the sexual aspects of this or any relationship, stop reading, Why? My generation was taught that intimate details should only be between the two involved. In other words, that ain’t anyone’s business but just those parties involved.

Now, let us continue with the setup of this work. It is from my diary to my guardian angel. His name, although I am a female, I always, ever since I began writing this diary, saw my guardian angel as a male. Um, maybe the influence of society, whatever, maybe because I am a “boomer” and, in my early days, males dominated. So, his name is Regioque.

I began this diary at the age of thirteen. I have volumes from that age to now, 2025, definitely nowhere near the age of thirteen. I am a retired college professor and publisher.

This diary entry begins in 1977. I have chosen to transcribe it as it was actually written then. Thus, there is no editing, just my actual feelings at that time, sometimes raw and deliberate.

Next, this book is for my daughter, granddaughter, and really for all daughters and granddaughters. I figure this may help them understand me as a mom and grandmom, well after I croak. It may help other daughters and granddaughters understand their moms and grandmoms. Hopefully, it will help them as they navigate the road to romance, lack of, and, finally, the right one.

Oh, let me briefly describe myself—the self I was in 1977. I would not say I would stop an eight-day clock, but I was not bad-looking. Some told me I should have been a model. I opted to be a teacher working toward a Ph.D. in Education.

OK, that’s enough—let’s begin.

Have You Broken Your New Year's Resolutions? Here Are 10 More That You Can Keep

Did you make resolutions for 2025? If so, have you already broken any of them or perhaps all of them? 

If so, the staff members of MANA would like to share 10 achievable resolutions:

1. Give a stranger a compliment.

2. Donate to a cause you feel strongly committed.

3. Hold the door for someone.

4. Tell someone how much you love that person.

5. Take time to listen.

6. Hug a loved one.

7. Read a book to a child or senior.

8. Cook something delicious for a friend

9. Thank a teacher or first responder for making a difference.

10. Set up a 25-minute book consultation with a MANA representative; MANA will donate $25 to your favorite charity.

If you are ready to publish your book

A Call For Submissions To MANA's March Writing Contest! (MANA) is extending its writing contest in recognition of National Reading Month and Women's History Month. 

At no cost, you can:

• Submit a poem of 200 words or less. 

• Submit a short story of 500 words or less.

The genres of the submissions are the writer's choice. 

All submissions will be reviewed by the MANA Review Board, which will also determine the best short story and poem. 

MANA will award $250 for the best short story and $150 for the best poem. 

All submissions will be posted on this blog, the MANA SUNRISER.  

The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2025. What a great way to celebrate the month of March!

To submit your work or if you would like more details, email MANA at

MANA also has a fun sports-related offer for those who are ready to publish their manuscript. You can have your manuscript published at a reasonable cost by Summer 2025 if you choose One (1) of the NCAA Basketball Final Four Schools.

Click here to find out more details about this offer.

Pick A Final Four Team and Save $500!

Are you ready to publish your manuscript? Whether or not you're a sports fan, MANA has a special offer for you. 

You can have your manuscript published at a reasonable cost by Summer 2025 if you choose ONE (1) of the NCAA Basketball Final Four teams BEFORE the Elite Eight games are played on March 29-30. The NCAA College Basketball Final Four will take place on April 5 and April 7 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. Your choice will garner you $500 off the cost of any MANA self-publishing plan. 

MANA offers various publishing plans that can be customized to suit your budget. Choose from print books, ebooks, and Print on Demand. From basic document layouts to colorful cover designs, MANA's plans offer a variety of services. Visit MANA's website to view the various plans. 

MANA can still assist you with your publishing needs, even if you are not interested in basketball. We are a company that makes a difference.

So, if you are interested in the upcoming NCAA Final Four and want to take advantage of MANA's offer, email us your school selection today at If you have questions, contact us at 734-975-0028.

5 Top Book Publishing Trends For 2025

The book publishing industry will continue to undergo so many transformations in 2025 that new and seasoned authors may have trouble keeping up with all the changes. Technology, changing reader preferences, and innovative storytelling methods are among the factors driving book publishing trends this year. 

Although there are numerous changes, the following are five of the key trends in the industry this year. 

1. AI-Assisted Publishing Tools

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will continue to shake up the publishing industry. The use of AI by publishers has gone beyond basic editing and proofreading. Now, AI tools are used to analyze market trends, predict reader preferences, and even develop content. Publishers, however, say they are not using AI tools to replace human creativity but to improve the editorial process.

"The use of AI in our industry is evolving rapidly and we will continue to experiment and innovate," Charlie Redmayne, CEO of HarperCollins, said in an interview with The Bookseller. "Our aim is always to reach the widest possible audience for our authors’ work and to ensure appropriate remuneration for it. New channels and new tech with effective protections and an open mind help us achieve this, as we have seen with Spotify, which is bringing new listeners to audiobooks and delivering revenue for our authors and the business.”

2. Indie Authors Continue to Prefer the Romance, Fantasy, and Sci-fi Genres

According to a 2024 Indie Author Survey by Written Word Media, romance, fantasy, science fiction, and thriller are the top genres among indie authors. The survey found that 22.7 percent of authors said romance was their primary genre, followed by fantasy (12.8 percent), science fiction (7.5 percent), and thriller (7.2 percent).

This should not discourage authors who do not write in these top three genres. Find your unique audience and serve them well; many authors succeed by targeting specific underserved groups of readers. 

How to Tap Into Your Inner Courage and Write Your Book

Do you want to publish a book, but fear is holding you back? If so, would you believe that you already have the courage within you to become a published author?  

Do you remember the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz who asked the Wizard to give him courage because he was always afraid? The Wizard responded, "You have plenty of courage, I am sure. All you need is confidence in yourself." 

You may lack confidence in yourself, but whether you realize it or not, you have an abundance of courage within you waiting to manifest.

If you aspire to be published, you must conquer your fear of opening yourself up to readers or eliminate the belief that your work is not “good enough” to be published. Writers who are willing to overcome their fears and put in the work necessary to achieve their goals will not only become published but also more courageous. 

So, what can writers do to develop courage?